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Version: 0.4

Bring your own models

There are many models pre-integrated into Superduper, available by the ever growing ecosystem of plugins. When these integrations don't meet developers' needs, it is straightforward to build Model implementations and instances:

  1. Decorate your own Python functions and classes with @model
  2. Write your own Model sub-classes

Decorate your own Python functions​

This serializes a Python object or class:

from superduper import model

def my_model(x, y):
return x + y

Additional arguments may be provided to the decorator from superduper.components.model.ObjectModel:

def my_model(x, y):
return x + y

These decorators may also be applied to callable classes.

from superduper import ObjectModel, model

class MyClass:
def __call__(self, x):
return x + 2

m = MyClass()

assert isinstance(m, ObjectModel)
assert m.predict(2) == 4

As before, additional arguments can be supplied to the decorator:

from superduper import vector, DataType, model

@model(datatype=vector(shape=(32, )))
class MyClass:
def __call__(self, x):
return [x + 2] * 32

m = MyClass()

assert isinstance(m.datatype, DataType)

Create your own Model subclasses​

Developers may create their own Model sub-classes, and deploy these directly to superduper. The key methods the developers need to create are:

  • predict
  • Optionally predict_batches, to speed up batching

Minimal example with .predict​

Here is a simple sub-class of Model:

from superduper.components.model import Model
import typing as t

class CustomModel(Model):
signature: t.ClassVar[str] = '**kwargs'
my_argument: int = 1

def predict(self, x, y):
return x + y + self.my_argument

The addition of signature = **kwargs controls how the individual datapoints in the dataset are emitted, for consumption by the internal workings of the model

Including datablobs which can't be converted to JSON​

If your model contains large data-artifacts or non-JSON-able content, then these items should be labelled with a DataType.

On saving, this will allow Superduper to encode their values and save the result in db.artifact_store.

Here is an example which includes a numpy.array:

import numpy as np
from superduper.ext.numpy import array

class AnotherModel(Model):
_artifacts: t.ClassVar[t.Any] = [
('my_array', array)
signature: t.ClassVar[str] = '**kwargs'
my_argument: int = 1
my_array: np.ndarray

def predict(self, x, y):
return x + y + self.my_argument + self.my_array

my_array = numpy.random.randn(100000, 20)
my_array_type = array('my_array', shape=my_array.shape, encodable='lazy_artifact')

m = AnotherModel(
artifacts={'my_array': my_array_type},

When db.apply is called, m.my_array will be converted to bytes with numpy functionality and a reference to these bytes will be saved in the db.metadata. In principle any DataType can be used to encode such an object.