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Version: 0.6


Superduper MongoDB is a Python library that provides a high-level API for working with MongoDB. It is built on top of pymongo and provides a more user-friendly interface for working with MongoDB.

In general the MongoDB query API works exactly as per pymongo, with the exception that:

  • inputs are wrapped in Document
  • additional support for vector-search is provided
  • queries are executed lazily


pip install superduper_mongodb


superduper_mongodb.data_backend.MongoDataBackendData backend for MongoDB.
superduper_mongodb.metadata.MongoMetaDataStoreMetadata store for MongoDB.
superduper_mongodb.query.MongoQueryA query class for MongoDB.
superduper_mongodb.query.BulkOpA bulk operation for MongoDB.
superduper_mongodb.artifacts.MongoArtifactStoreArtifact store for MongoDB.

Connection examples​

Connect to mongomock​

from superduper import superduper
db = superduper('mongomock://test')

Connect to MongoDB​

from superduper import superduper
db = superduper('mongodb://localhost:27017/documents')

Connect to MongoDB Atlas​

from superduper import superduper
db = superduper('mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<cluster-url>/<database>')