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Version: 0.4

Connect API

Connecting to your data is the first step in any Superduper program in Python.

Basic usage​

Connecting to your data with Superduper is possible with a single command:

from superduper import superduper

db = superduper('<db_type>://<location>')

For example to connect to the test_db database in a MongoDB instance running on localhost do:

db = superduper('mongodb://localhost:27017/test_db')

The object db, returned by this command is a superduper.base.datalayer.Datalayer instance, which contains all functionality needed to interact with your data with Superduper.

In the remainder of the documentation, db is referred to without additional explanation.

Fine grained connection​

More specific connection parameters may be passed as keyword attributes. The possible parameters are defined in the dataclass superduper.base.config.Config, which also holds the default values for all Superduper configurations. For example, to use an alternative metadata store (where Component metadata and parameters are stored), use:

db = superduper('mongodb://localhost:27017/test_db', metadata='mongodb://localhost:27017/meta_db')

Using a config file​

To reuse configurations in multiple programs and to separate configuration from Python code, developers may use a configuration file in .yaml format. To specify a configuration file, developers must set the SUPERDUPER_CONFIG=<path-to-config>.yaml environment variable. Here is an example:

# Where large data blobs/ files are saved
artifact_store: filesystem://<path-to-artifact-store>

# How to encode binary data
bytes_encoding: Bytes
# bytes_encoding: Base64

# The base database you would like to connect to
data_backend: <databackend-uri>

# Settings for randomly assigning train/valid folds
fold_probability: 0.05

# Where lance indexes will be saved
lance_home: .superduper/vector_indices

# Log level to be shown to stdout
log_level: INFO
logging_type: SYSTEM

# Database to save meta-data in (defaults to `data_backend`)
metadata_store: null

# Settings for failed API requests
stop_after_attempt: 2
wait_max: 10.0
wait_min: 4.0
wait_multiplier: 1.0

Once the SUPERDUPER_CONFIG variable has been set, no parameters are required to build the connection:

db = superduper()

Using environment variables​

In some instances it may be more convenient to work with environment variables. These may be used as alternative or overrides to configurations in the config file. For example to change the connection to primary data do:

$ export SUPERDUPER_DATA_BACKEND='mongodb://localhost:27018/documents'