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Version: 0.4



Source code


identifier: str,
db: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[ForwardRef('Datalayer')]] = None,
uuid: None = <factory>,
upstream: "t.Optional[t.List['Component']]" = None,
plugins: "t.Optional[t.List['Plugin']]" = None,
artifacts: 'dc.InitVar[t.Optional[t.Dict]]' = None,
cache: 't.Optional[bool]' = True,
status: 't.Optional[Status]' = None,
cdc_table: str = '',
key: Union[str,
model: superduper.components.model.Model,
predict_kwargs: None = <factory>,
select: Optional[superduper.backends.base.query.Query] = None,
output_table: Optional[superduper.components.table.Table] = None,
flatten: bool = False) -> None
identifierA string used to identify the listener and it's outputs.
dbDatalayer instance.
uuidUUID of the leaf.
artifactsA dictionary of artifacts paths and DataType objects
upstreamA list of upstream components
pluginsA list of plugins to be used in the component.
cache(Optional) If set true the component will not be cached during primary job of the component i.e on a distributed cluster this component will be reloaded on every component task e.g model prediction.
statusWhat part of the lifecycle the component is in.
cdc_tableTable which fires the triggers.
keyKey to be bound to the model.
modelModel for processing data.
predict_kwargsKeyword arguments to self.model.predict().
selectQuery to "listen" for input on.
output_tableTable to store the outputs.
flattenFlatten the output into separate records if True.

Listener component.

Listener object which is used to process a column/key of a collection or table, and store the outputs.