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Version: 0.6



Source code


identifier: str,
upstream: Optional[List[ForwardRef('Component')]] = None,
db: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[ForwardRef('Datalayer')]] = None,
components: List[superduper.components.component.Component],
link: Optional[str] = None,
build_variables: Optional[Dict] = None,
build_template: str | None = None) -> None
identifierIdentifier of the instance.
upstreamA list of upstream components.
dbDatalayer instance. Datalayer instance.
componentsList of components to group together and apply to superduper.
linkA reference link to web app serving the application i.e. streamlit, gradio, etc
build_variablesVariables which were supplied to a template to build.
build_templateTemplate which was used to build.

A placeholder to hold list of components with associated funcionality.

Components are sorted in a way that respects their mutual dependencies.