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Version: 0.6

Vector search


Since vector-search is all-the-rage right now, here is the simplest possible iteration of semantic text-search with a sentence_transformers model, as an entrypoint to superduper.

Note that superduper is much-much more than vector-search on text. Explore the docs to read about classical machine learning, computer vision, LLMs, fine-tuning and much much more!

First let's get some data. These data are the markdown files of the very same documentation you are reading! You can download other sample data-sets for testing superduper by following these lines of code.

import json
import requests
r = requests.get('')

with open('text.json', 'wb') as f:

with open('text.json', 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)


Now we connect to superduper, using MongoMock as a databackend. Read more about connecting to superduper here and a semi-exhaustive list of supported data-backends for connecting here.

from superduper import superduper
from superduper.base import Base

db = superduper('mongomock://test')

class documents(Base):
txt: str

db.insert([documents(txt=txt) for txt in data])

We are going to make these data searchable by activating a Model instance to compute vectors for each item inserted to the "documents" collection. For that we'll use the sentence-transformers integration to superduper. Read more about the sentence_transformers integration here and here.

from superduper_sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

model = SentenceTransformer(
predict_kwargs={"show_progress_bar": True},

We can check that this model gives us what we want by evaluating an output on a single data-point. (Learn more about the various aspects of Model here.)

Now that we've verified that this model works, we can "activate" it for vector-search by creating a VectorIndex.

from superduper import VectorIndex, Listener, Model
vector_index = VectorIndex(

You will see that the VectorIndex contains a Listener instance. This instance wraps the model, and configures it to compute outputs on data inserted to the "documents" collection with the key "txt".

To activate this index, we now do:


The db.apply command is a universal command for activating AI components in superduper.

You will now see lots of output - the model-outputs/ vectors are computed and the various parts of the VectorIndex are registered in the system.

You can verify this with:

To "use" the VectorIndex we can execute a vector-search query:

query = db['documents'].like({'txt': 'Tell me about vector-search'}, vector_index=vector_index.identifier, n=3).select()
results = query.execute()

This query will return a cursor of Document instances. To obtain the raw dictionaries, call the .unpack() command:

for r in results:
print('=' * 100)
print('=' * 100)

You should see that the documents returned are relevant to the like part of the query.

Learn more about building queries with superduper here.