Build multimodal embedding models
Some embedding models such as CLIP come in pairs of model
and compatible_model
- Text
- Image
- Text-Image
- Audio
from superduper_sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# Load the pre-trained sentence transformer model
model = SentenceTransformer(
postprocess=lambda x: x.tolist(),
from torchvision import transforms
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision.models as models
import warnings
# Import custom modules
from superduper_torch import TorchModel, tensor
# Define a series of image transformations using torchvision.transforms.Compose
t = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Resize((224, 224)), # Resize the input image to 224x224 pixels (must same as here)
transforms.CenterCrop((224, 224)), # Perform a center crop on the resized image
transforms.ToTensor(), # Convert the image to a PyTorch tensor
transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) # Normalize the tensor with specified mean and standard deviation
# Define a preprocess function that applies the defined transformations to an input image
def preprocess(x):
return t(x)
except Exception as e:
# If an exception occurs during preprocessing, issue a warning and return a tensor of zeros
return torch.zeros(3, 224, 224)
# Load the pre-trained ResNet-50 model from torchvision
resnet50 = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
# Extract all layers of the ResNet-50 model except the last one
modules = list(resnet50.children())[:-1]
resnet50 = nn.Sequential(*modules)
# Create a TorchModel instance with the ResNet-50 model, preprocessing function, and postprocessing lambda
model = TorchModel(
postprocess=lambda x: x[:, 0, 0], # Postprocess by extracting the top-left element of the output tensor
datatype=tensor(dtype='float', shape=(2048,)) # Specify the encoder configuration
!pip install git+
import clip
from superduper import vector
from superduper_torch import TorchModel
# Load the CLIP model and obtain the preprocessing function
model, preprocess = clip.load("ViT-B/32", device='cpu')
# Define a vector with shape (1024,)
output_datatpye = vector(shape=(1024,))
# Create a TorchModel for text encoding
compatible_model = TorchModel(
identifier='clip_text', # Unique identifier for the model
object=model, # CLIP model
preprocess=lambda x: clip.tokenize(x)[0], # Model input preprocessing using CLIP
postprocess=lambda x: x.tolist(), # Convert the model output to a list
datatype=output_datatpye, # Vector encoder with shape (1024,)
forward_method='encode_text', # Use the 'encode_text' method for forward pass
# Create a TorchModel for visual encoding
model = TorchModel(
identifier='clip_image', # Unique identifier for the model
object=model.visual, # Visual part of the CLIP model
preprocess=preprocess, # Visual preprocessing using CLIP
postprocess=lambda x: x.tolist(), # Convert the output to a list
datatype=output_datatpye, # Vector encoder with shape (1024,)
!pip install librosa
import librosa
import numpy as np
from superduper import ObjectModel
from superduper import vector
def audio_embedding(audio_file):
# Load the audio file
MAX_SIZE= 10000
y, sr = librosa.load(audio_file)
y = y[:MAX_SIZE]
mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y, sr=44000, n_mfcc=1)
mfccs = mfccs.squeeze().tolist()
return mfccs
if not get_chunking_datatype:
e = vector(shape=(1000,))
e = get_chunking_datatype(1000)
model= ObjectModel(identifier='my-model-audio', object=audio_embedding, datatype=e)